Dimas Nicos

NICOS DIMAS Senior Real Estate Consultant AIA Appraiser Mob. +30 697 4933013 *** Nic​os has been awarded 3 times for his services as a Real Estate Consultant. He is one of the most experienced Real Estate Services consultants in the Greek market. It approaches real estate holistically, as a source of wealth and prosperity for those who buy, sell or exploit real estate. He is a certified real estate appraiser and real estate development counselor. He offers his award-winning services to Buyers, Sellers, Lessors, and Property Leasers ​seeking nothing less than the best in real estate​. --- @ Facebook: Nicos Dimas [https://www.facebook.com/nicosdimas] @ LinkedIn: Nikos Dimas [https://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=47491562&trk=nav_responsive_tab_profile]

140 Properties